The Benefits of Concierge Medicine



My name is Aviva Alyeshmerni, M.D. and I am proud to be the founder of Concierge Pediatrics in Orange County.  Over 5 years ago, I transitioned out of the traditional healthcare model. I was frustrated that patient care was determined by insurance plans. Often patients could not access what was best for them regardless of whether they were willing to pay out of pocket. I had worked in over 20 different office settings; with all of these experiences, my model for my new practice was to set the highest standard of healthcare.  

Beyond living a balanced lifestyle, wellness is achieved best by recognizing subtle, early signs of compromised health. By listening carefully and gathering comprehensive information, I am able to help families identify signs and symptoms early, to prevent and treat illnesses effectively.

Why Change to Concierge Medicine as a Physician?

Beyond allowing me to provide the best care available, moving to concierge medicine has saved me from a growing problem termed “Physician Burnout.”  Physicians and patients agree; preventative services and medical treatments need to be individualized.  Unfortunately, they often are currently dictated to your physician by your insurance plan - a situation that disappoints the physician just as much as it does the patient.  Your physician’s years of training get trumped by the contract she or he signs in order to get paid by your plan.  Before concierge medicine, I also was very limited in the amount of time I had to get to know the patient and their problems or concerns.  Many practices want the doctor to spend no more than 5-10 mins per patient as that is all the insurance reimbursements will allow.  This system leaves issues ignored and/or problems untreated.  What is worse, long waits and poor availability becomes a deterrent, and parents often hop between urgent cares - where there is poor pediatric knowledge and even less continuity of care.  Now, I can block 60 mins per patient and exceed that if necessary without a concern.   

Why change to Concierge Pediatrics as a Patient? 

I am excited that my patients now experience focused individualized care.  By limiting my patient capacity I now have ample quality time to connect with and attend to patients as I would my own family. All of my patients can expect: 

  • immediate access whenever they need me 24/7

  • help with finding an extraordinary team of specialists for their child's specific needs

  • same day appointments and all the time they need in the office with me; and

  • a comprehensive assessment of their child's nutrition and physical activity  

5 Essential Tips on How to Choose a Pediatrician

Choosing the right pediatrician for your child is not always easy. If you choose a pediatrician that doesn’t suit you and your child, it can be a frustrating experience. That’s why you should consider these 5 categories. 

1. Accessibility 

  • Is your doctor easy to reach by phone or email?

  • When you want to speak to a person at the office does the phone tree take you only to a voicemail?

  • Who answers after-hours parent calls?

  • Is there a nurse triage line or do you get to speak to your doctor? 

2. Responsiveness 

  • Does your doctor have flexible office hours with same-day appointments for urgent issues?

  • What is the typical appointment wait time at the office?

  • Do you have time to give a proper history of your child’s symptoms and ASK questions?

  • Does the pediatrician take her time to explain the diagnosis and treatment plan and ANSWER questions? 

3. Relatability 

  • Is your doctor interested in forming a trusting relationship with your child? Is she warm, playful and careful when examining your child?

  • Does she appreciate the potential for exams to be a frightful experience — and how to help your child through them?

  • Will she be a good model and guide for helping your child look forward to following recommendations for treating illness and overall healthy living? (i.e. swallowing a yucky medicine or staying away from sweets) 

4. Receptiveness 

  • Does your doctor relate to you and your concerns?

  • Does she exercise the right amount of concern without being an alarmist? 

  • If you feel there is a need for a specialist, will your doctor help you find the right person for your child?

  • Will she be flexible to form a plan that suits your child? 

5. Openness 

  • If your doctor is unfamiliar with certain treatment options, will she take time to look into these options and help you make an informed decision? 

  • Is she familiar with or open to complementary medicine (including functional and integrative medicine), if alternative/holistic medicine is important to you? 

  • Will she be more conservative if you are not eager to start antibiotics?

  • Will your pediatrician engage with other holistic healers as a part of a wellness team? 


Dr. Aviva Alyeshmerni, known by her patients as Dr. Vivi, graduated with honors in Biological Sciences from Stanford University in 1998. Dr. Vivi continued to pursue her Master of Science at Stanford while conducting research at the Stanford Medical School. She spent two years teaching AP Biology and coaching Cross Country Running at Crossroads High School in Santa Monica, California. 

In 2005, Dr. Vivi graduated from New York University’s affiliated medical school program at Tel Aviv University, Israel. After returning to the University of California, Irvine, to complete her Pediatric Residency, she spent six months working and carrying out research at the Orthopedic Surgical Hospital of Los Angeles.

Since 2009, while working in Orange County, Dr. Vivi has been applying her experience in Sports Medicine as she pursues her passion for Pediatrics. A fitness and family enthusiast, Dr. Alyeshmerni is a true athlete. She ran competitively at Stanford University and continues to compete in 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, marathons and triathlons. In addition, she enjoys snowboarding, surfing, camping, hiking and painting. Dr. Alyeshmerni, along with her husband and son and daughter, love Orange County’s many trails, campgrounds and beaches. Follow Dr. Vivi @askdrvivi on Instagram and Facebook.

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