
Your Partner in Success

School of Progress™

Revenue Growth
& Business Strategy CoAChing

Hi there! Let’s work together to grow your revenue, create a business strategy that works, and gain new clients. Magic happens when clients are happy, continue to purchase, and find value in what's provided.

Prior to launching She Built It™ I had a career that I loved assisting companies to grow through strategy and selling millions of dollars in products for Marriott, AT&T, the LA Dodgers, Service Master, Millennium Corporate Solutions, She Built It™, and more.

We are inspired when we focus on the part of ourselves and our business that brings us joy and we delegate or implement technology to replace the things we don’t.

Let’s create and execute a plan that has you living the career and business that you crave.


 We all want to create and sell more of our products and services.

At times we need someone to talk through our innovative and creative ideas, challenges, and business growth - someone who is not necessarily a close friend, family member, or colleague. The most successful people in the world work with coaches who help them stretch themselves and discover forward momentum - it’s helpful and much more fun to build a business with support.

I’ve coached clients and I’ve hired coaches - what makes a coaches valuable and worth hiring are the results and progress you and your business experience - not just theory - but the actual results that are achieved.

My goal is to create this experience for you.


Two Months Coaching Sessions

Based on Individual Need:

  • Business Strategy Session and Overview + Accountability Plans to Make your Strategy a Reality 

  • Revenue Growth/Increase Product Sales,

  • Staying Innovative - Implementing Tech Platforms + Motivation 

Two Month Strategy, Accountability, & Achievement Coaching

  • Weekly strategy questions to realize goals and put plans into place

  • Weekly one hour check in + progress partner zoom call

  • Weekly Accountability Google Doc to keep you on track and making progress to reach your dreams

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