It Takes a Community to Build a Brand



Launching a new brand in the wake of the pandemic wasn’t exactly where I thought my career would take me, but leave it to fate to guide you to an amazing opportunity. 

I don’t know exactly when my love for fashion began, I have early memories of walking around the house in my moms Ferragamo’s and her vintage homemade skirts. I loved everything in her closet and I think she could see my interest at a young age. My mom gave me the best education in fashion, it wasn’t in the classroom but out in the stores.

From high to low fashion our weekends were spent visiting off price retailers like Loehmann’s, outlet stores, and department stores — our favorite being Bloomingdale’s. My mom immigrated to the states when she was a teenager and was the first in her family to graduate from college, with a degree in fashion textiles. When we were out in stores she taught me about different fabrications, construction techniques, pricing, and merchandising.

When I landed a buying position at Bloomingdale’s after college, I felt like I was finally home. I loved learning about new designers, reviewing collections, and learning the business side of retail. I feel like I really owe my career in fashion to my mom. 

Ready for Change

Prior to MAUBY I was developing product and running wholesale for another brand. It was a great experience but there was always a desire to try something different. Perhaps it was feeling comfortable at my job, a mortgage, or 2 young children, but I was always afraid to take the leap.

Launching a brand has been a dream of mine & I never thought it would happen during a pandemic. In 2020, I was fortunate to join Stony Apparel Corp., who approached me with a business opportunity to create a new brand, one that truly resonated with my own beliefs. I was ready for change, and excited to learn more. 

Leaning on Community

There are so many elements to launching a brand that I wasn’t aware of but learning along in the process has been special. With a mostly buying and wholesale background I spent countless evenings researching and jumping on calls with people to catch up on years of knowledge. I’ve really leaned on my community of friends, old co-workers & acquaintances to guide me in areas such as marketing, PR, digital advertising, branding and more.

In every step of my career, something I’ve found important is having mentors and connecting with women who you want to learn from. 

Growing Together

I’ve worked in fashion for over a decade now, and I’ve realized that there’s always room for growth and learning. When I was fresh out of college I was working in publishing in New York and it was a very cut throat environment.

Something I wish I had done was befriend more of my colleagues and collaborate with them instead of seeing them as competition. I was insecure and when you’re insecure you put your guard up and miss opportunities. I encourage younger people to network and really develop relationships early in their careers. When you’re just starting out there’s a sense of camaraderie in learning the business. It’s really the best environment to be vulnerable. We’re all growing together, and we have valuable insight to share with one another regardless of age or experience. 

Giving Back Through MAUBY

With MAUBY, my mission is rooted in my commitment to give back and spread love. When I was thinking of what name to give the brand, I wanted to choose something that could symbolize our vision.

Back in 2017, a friend of mine who works at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles was on his lunch break when he found an abandoned puppy on Maubert Ave. He rescued the dog and named him Mauby. I was inspired by Mauby’s adoption story because it shows how an act of kindness and love can truly change the trajectory of somebody’s life.

Mauby wouldn’t be the energetic and happy dog he is today without compassion. In the same way, I want the brand MAUBY to encourage people to show compassion, empathy, and love.

Finding Inspiration

I’m constantly inspired by the women around me. Our team at MAUBY would not have made it this far without the incredible women who have supported us in every step of the way. I’m fortunate enough to have a strong network of women who are professionals in entertainment, marketing, branding, and sales. Whether it was a phone call, text, or email — every answer and willingness to help me was humbling and encouraging.

My favorite moments since our launch have been connecting with other women in this industry. The most impactful conversations are the ones when others are honest and vulnerable with their own process. It humanizes success and challenges.

One of the best pieces of advice I received was to ask for help. And as I pay it forward, my best piece of advice is to ask for help. When you can do that you open yourself to opportunities, knowledge and growth. I enjoy seeing the success of my friends and I never see other brands as competition.

I think something we can all do as a network of women is to foster open dialogue and intentionally make space to lead people who need guidance. 

Building a Lifestyle

I’m looking forward to building not just a brand but a lifestyle. In the upcoming year I’ll be releasing more sustainable fabrics, working with factories that prioritize their staff, and being more size inclusive. 


Carol Min is the Brand Founder and the Senior Director of Sales & Merchandising of MAUBY. She’s experienced in fashion, having worked for companies including Sanctuary Clothing, Lucky Brand, Bloomingdale’s, and more.

A Philly native, Carol graduated from Villanova University with a major in communications. She is passionate about giving back to foundations supporting women and children, specifically regarding homelessness, domestic violence, and education. She is currently living in Los Angeles, California with her husband, two kids, and dog, Mozart. 

Connect with Carol on Instagram @min_carol, by email or at

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