Start 2022 in a Motivation Mindset with Melanie Barr, CEO of She Built It™


About this episode:

Hello, She Built It family! Welcome to our final episode in 2021!

As we move into 2022, I like to think through how I can start the year off right, how to make more time for myself, and how to find joy in the little things. Also one of my main goals is to bring you more new knowledge and motivational stories and content in the She Built It podcast. 

In this episode, I am sharing 5 things to consider that will put you in a motivational mindset as we move into 2022.

5 things that will put you in a motivational mindset:

  • Set a new goal for key things you didn't achieve.

  • Build up your good habits and leave some behind.

  • Increase your knowledge to level up your life and business.

  • Bring little joy to your daily life.

  • Celebrate your most memorable moments.


Click here to read a raw, unedited transcript of this episode:

Melanie Barr: [00:00:03] Hi, She Built It family! Who is so ready to put 2021 behind us? I know I am. As we move into 2022, I like to think through how I can start the year off right. How I can, in addition to making time for myself and finding joy in the little things, accomplish more for She built it family, bringing you new knowledge and motivational stories and content, events for our membership collective, which I'd love for you to join and be a part of. We offer group and 1:1 business and motivational coaching, virtual events for members with top experts in their industries, and in-person events if you are local to or visiting Los Angeles.

Here are five things to consider that will put you in a motivational mindset as we move into 2022.

What in 2021 went right? What did you want to accomplish in 2022 that you can carry into the New Year just because it didn't happen in 2021? Does that mean it won't happen this year? One of the things that I was ready to make a leap to do was in addition to our She Built It shop promoting women-owned and women-led businesses. While I love offering virtual products, I'm also creating physical She Built It products. Well, I didn't get as far as I had hoped with particular products in 2021. I'm on track to do this early in 2022 and use that momentum to carry me through and bring those products to life. What can you bring into the new year and start to make those small daily leaps forward to make it happen for you?

How are your habits? What good habits can you build on and what habits can you leave behind? One of the things that I slip into is staying up a bit too late watching that last Amazon Prime, Netflix or show on Hulu. I'm usually good at going to sleep early for a couple of weeks, and then I find myself really needing the downtime to myself after the twins and everyone is asleep and I'm finally alone with nothing to really think about, plan or organize, and I'm able to give my mind a rest. In the New Year, with all that, I want to accomplish, one of the habits I'm going to be mindful of is making sure I get the rest I need so I can make all that I want to happen the following day.

What knowledge do you need to take in, in order to take your life and business to your next level? I think about this a lot where She Built It. I go through the thought process of, OK, I've added as She Built It app for our members that has our events and provides a way for our incredible members to connect, then I think what's next? What do I need to add to take She built it to its next level? What app or platform or technology do I need to research? Then I turn to coaches, experts, and podcasts to help me learn the knowledge I need to implement and move She built it and my goals forward.

What joy do you need to bring into your life to propel you to the next level? Joy will carry us through. It will bring happiness into our days and make the difficult and challenging days a bit less challenging during the pandemic many of us have. During the pandemic, as many of us have, I got used to being inside, working inside, working out, inside as we all start to be more social, I've realized the joy in going for a run outside. It's a little thing. But instead of hopping on my Peloton or working out with weights, I've committed my Friday mornings to run outside to carry me through the weekend. It doesn't have to be major, but something that is just for you.

How can you celebrate daily and weekly and use that momentum to carry you forward? The She Built It Experienced podcast just turned two and is moving into its second year. The year went by fast, but when I realized the 52 incredible interviews and conversations I've shared with women who are overcoming struggles to make leaps and live the life and business that they crave, I decided to celebrate. I called a friend and said, Let's have lunch. She didn't know why we were having lunch. But it was something that I was going to have fun doing and a gift of time and friendship that I gifted to myself to celebrate the second year of The She Built It Experienced podcast. What small things can you bring into your life daily to celebrate your most memorable moments?

Thank you for joining me each week. Thank you to all of my incredible and inspiring guests. Thank you to my She Built It team. I can't wait to chat with you more in 2022. Happy New Year! [00:00:03][0.0]


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