Gina Lathrum, Managing Director - REVELSHINE Wine on How to Bring Life into Your Career

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About this episode:

Gina Lathrum of REVELSHINE Wines, joins our podcast today. She shares how to bring life (and joy) into your career, no matter which industry you're in. Gina highlights the importance of collective ideas, how she motivates her growing team, and what gave her the courage to make her leap to become the Managing Director of REVELSHINE. Throughout our conversation, you'll hear that Gina radiates nothing but joy, even when she talks about the hardest obstacles she has overcome. I hope that after you listen to this episode, you'll be full of a bit more happiness and feel more confident about the challenging moments that you might be facing in your life and career.

Topics Discussed:

  • Gina's journey from working in theater in LA to an appliance company in Orange County and ending up as the Brand Manager of REVELSHINE Wines

  • Bringing life into your career, no matter which industry you might be in

  • How Gina's early career working for Merv Griffin has influences her as a business leader today

  • The importance of collective ideas and listening to every voice that's at the table

  • The mistake that Gina made that defined the rest of her career and the importance of every single detail

  • What gave Gina the courage to make the leap to become the managing director of REVELSHINE, something totally different

  • Why we have to take a pause and take care of ourselves before we can fully take care of others

  • How Gina motivates her team to stay on task by knowing where the company is going

  • Making the best out of obstacles so that your business only grows for the better

About Gina:

Managing Director and Brand Warrior for Revelshine Outdoor Intrinsics (R.O.I) has been creating and bringing stories to life for as long as she can remember. With an insatiable appetite for the theater and a Theater Arts degree from Cal State Long Beach, she approaches branding no different than directing a play. Her unconventional process brings a dimension to branding that drives emotion and experience, which allows the consumer to connect on a personal level. Her approach to consumer products, like characters, have stories to be told. Her career as a brand builder and theater director is to take the product/character and bring it to life in the situation it lives and amplify its story to move consumers. She is proud to share the latest character brought to life for R.O.I:  Revelshine Wines. World-class wine in unbreakable, infinitely recyclable, aluminum bottles created to go wherever your compass takes you. 



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